
Welcome to MUNSOC

This is the official website of NIT Agartala's Model United Nations Club MUNSOC.
Established in 2023, MUNSOC has quickly risen to fame by bagging achievements in various national MUNs.
This growth firmly establishes us as one of the elite MUN Clubs in the North East and we are just getting started


Chaitanya Raj

IIT Guwahati 2023

High Commendation

Chaitanya Raj
Committee - DISEC
Portfolio - Ukraine
Varun Srivastava & Divyam Raj Singh

IIT Bhubaneswar

High Commendation

Varun Srivastava & Divyam Raj Singh
Committee - DISEC
Portfolio - Ukraine
Amitabh, Harish, Anshuman, Siddhant, Sumit, Varun, Priyanshu and Rudransh

Meghalaya MUN

Special Mentions and Verbal Mentions

Amitabh, Harish, Anshuman, Siddhant, Sumit, Varun, Priyanshu and Rudransh

Chaitanya Raj

IIM Ahmedabad

Best Delegate

Chaitanya Raj
Committee - DISEC
Portfolio - Pakistan
Priyanshu Das & Varun


Special Mention & Verbal Mention

Priyanshu Das & Varun
Committee - G20, UNFCCC
Portfolio - UAE, Denmark
Divyam & Varun

IIT Bombay

Special Mention

Divyam & Varun
Committee - UNSC
Portfolio - Pakistan
Varun Srivastava

IIT Guwahati 2024

Best Delegate

Varun Srivastava
Committee - UNHRC
Portfolio - Azerbaijan
Sreejit Das

IIT Guwahati 2024

High Commendation

Sreejit Das
Committee - UN Ocean
Portfolio - Australia
Soham , Priyanshu and Anshuman

IIT Guwahati 2024

Verbal Mentions

Soham , Priyanshu and Anshuman
Committee - Lok Sabha, UNHRC, UN Ocean
Portfolio - Nakul Kamal Nath, Iran and Singapore


April 2023


Intro Session

Changing the number of permanent members in the UNSC from 5 to 7. Adding India and Japan.

The participants deliberated on reforming UNSC and adding other members to reflect the current geopolitcal equations.

No winner was declared in the introductory session

April 2023


Joint Crisis Committee (JCC)

The Six Day War 1967

This engaging simulation was aimed at building quick thinking ability among participants. Delegates were presented with wide range of situations to test their presence of mind.

Winner - Arab Coalition

May 2023


Kofi Annon Challenge Event(KACE) #1 - WHO

Analyzing International Response to Global Outbreaks with special emphasis to Ebola and SARS and finding the way forward.

The WHO committee had participants deliberating towards ideas to prevent any future pandemic while taking case of SARS and EBOLA over the years.

Winner - Divyam Raj Singh , Runner up - Varun Srivastava

June 2023


Online MUN - Historical Crisis

Partition of British India

This event had the delegates simulating the events leading to participation of India. The Muslim league, British Government and the INC engaged in fierce debate to decide the future of Indian subcontinent.

Winner - Varun Srivastava, Runner up - Divyam Raj Singh

July 2023



1- Creation of a legislative body for outer space exploration. 2 - Review of peacekeeping operations and the monitoring of refugee crisis around the globe.

The broad agenda in this edition of KACE made the participants cover a huge array of issues in their address. The discussions were again very engaging and constructive.

Winner - Divyam Raj Singh , Runner up - Varun Srivastava

August 2023


Joint Crisis Committee - JCC

World War 2

This event was a retake on the infamous World War 2. The axis and allied powers battled it out to win the war with unique strategies

Winner - The Axis Powers => They nuked major allied countries and won the war before allied powers could develop their own nuclear weapons.

September 2023



Establishing an actionable plan to mitigate extreme weather events and climate crisis with special emphasis to the Bali Action Plan and the Paris Agreement

This committee was all about tackling climate change and finding solutions to the existing problems. Intense discussions for over 2 days shaped the outcome of this interesting committee

Winner - Ananya Shankar Srivastava , Runner up - Mouni Sanapala

October 2023



Israel, Palestine and the potential for global conflict

This was the first committee for newly inducted Freshers in MUNSOC. Aim of this simulation was to give new delegates an experience of real MUN scenarios through the dynamic agenda of Israel Palestine conflict and it's effects.

Best Delegate - Sreejit (Egypt), High Commendation - Kaushik (Germany) , Special Mention - Rinki Jhunjhunwala (USA)

December 2023



Deliberation on oppression of women

This was a UN Women committee which focused on enhancing the research aspect of participating delegates. It was one of the most vibrant KACE so far and it had active participation of a huge number of delegates.

Winner - Harshita Shankar (Japan), Runner Up - Divyam Raj Singh (Afghanistan) , Second Runner Up - Sreejit Das (Papua New Guinea)

January 2024



Committees :- DISEC, WHO and UNHRC

The inaugral edition of NITA MUN hosted participants from 26 states of India, the vibrant committees provided an exceptional experience to the delegates over the course of 2 days of deliberations.

February 2024


Training Period

This month was focused on training the beginners for the upcoming events

March 2024


Training and IITG MUN

The training continued in this month for participation in the IITG MUN

April 2024



Committees :- DISEC

The inaugral edition of AAYAM MUN hosted participants from NIT Agartala, the first offline Model United Nations conference of NIT Agartala was a tremendous success with intense deliberations over the course of two days

Best Delegate - Harshita Shankar, High Commendation - Akmal Hossein, Special Mention - Akshay Kumar Jha


About Us

Chaitanya Raj

Chaitanya Raj

Secretary General


Varun Srivastava

Varun Srivastava

Deputy Secretary General


Priyanshu Das

Priyanshu Das

Charge D' affaires


Divyam Raj Singh

Divyam Raj Singh

Director of Public Relations


Harish Saharan

Harish Saharan

Director of Finance Division


Harshita Shankar

Harshita Shankar

Under Secretary General - 1


Rudransh Srivastava

Rudransh Srivastava

Under Secretary General - 2


Tushit Dev

Tushit Dev

Under Secretary General - 3


Neha Das

Neha Das

Under Secretary General - 4


House System

Gokhale House
Gokhale House
Embodying aggressive diplomacy, named in honor of the esteemed diplomat Vijay Keshav Gokhale. The Gokhale house strives for perfection
Current Points: 110
Jaishankar House
Jaishankar House
Inspired by diplomat Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, fostering diplomacy, global understanding, and effective communication.
Current Points: 111 (Winner)
Bajpai House
Bajpai House
It is a tribute to Girija Shankar Bajpai, embodies diplomacy, grace and global awareness. Bajpai house has a legacy of excellence
Current Points: 81
Menon House
Menon House
Named in honour of Mr. Shivashankar Menon. This house advocates for more peaceful and prosperous world through diplomacy
Current Points: 55


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